Achieving Sustainability for Teenagers' Wear Using Handicrafts


1 Professor in the Department of Clothes, Vice Dean of the University College of Applied Arts and Research, Diat University

2 Lecturer in the Department of Ready-made Garments, Faculty of Applied Arts - Damietta University

3 Assistant Professor in the Department of Ready-made Garments, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The current research attempts to solve the problem of the accumulation of used clothes and the production of teenagers' wear with handicrafts, and to spread the culture of reuse that many countries are interested in and strive to apply as one of the ways to preserve the environment. Where the objectives of the research focused on the development of used clothes using handicrafts to highlight the aesthetic values of reused teenagers' wear and improve the economic situation and maintaining the family income by filling the constant need for clothes, due to the rapid physical change in early adolescence. Using handicrafts to produce innovative and distinctive designs that meet the needs of teenagers in clothes that highlight their personality at this stage in their lives and show them in a distinctive and elegant way.
The proposed designs for teenage girls' clothes were prepared during the early adolescence period (from 12 to 15 years), suitable for the morning and evening periods. A questionnaire was prepared to survey the opinion of specialists in the field of clothing and fashion design, numbering (15) arbitrators, to evaluate the designs proposed by the research in terms of the possibility of creating design with handicrafts, achieving aesthetic values in line with fashion, meeting the clothing needs of adolescents, compatibility with the traditions and values of society, and the suitability of the proposed decorative quote element for the target age category. By analyzing the results, it was found that design No. (11) in the sixth design group (doodle) obtained the highest acceptance scores and the highest quality coefficient, followed by design No. (2) in the first design group (butterflies), and the designs with the highest quality coefficient were implemented.
Thus, the importance of research is evident in achieving sustainability through the reuse of used clothes, the production of teenagers' wear at a low manufacturing cost, reducing the consumption of raw materials, and benefiting from the employment of handicrafts for reused clothes. The researcher recommends the need to encourage young people to establish small projects that depend on the re-use of clothes with simple, inexpensive crafts and to support the local economy, paying attention to the principle of sustainable development in various ways in the field of fashion.


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