Texture as an aesthetic element in textile work with natural materials, the student's experience


Assistant Professor of Textiles, Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University


The art of textile hangings is considered one of the richest fine arts in the field of plastic arts. It is one of the oldest and most famous textile arts and has deep roots, It expresses the era, its civilization and artistic trends, and sometimes tells the facts of its events. They were used to cover the walls of churches, palaces or castles, and they contained large areas. Each time has its own culture, which is reflected in drawings, artistic formations and handicrafts. One of the factors affecting the success of the textile artwork is the material, in terms of its nature, appearance, characteristics and the extent to which it coexists with other materials used, as it is “a visual effect that evokes the visual sense.” psychological and imaginative sense, This affects the architecture of the design, as the textile design is characterized as a structural design and not a superficial design. The field of textiles in art education is a fertile field for research and experiment, but it still needs more new artistic and plastic methods and practices through the use of new materials. Nature is considered one of the important sources of many and varied materials in terms of lines, spaces, structural shapes, colors and surface textures. Which can contribute to imparting artistic and tactile values, as nature needs an eye that perceives and understands its meaning and significance to benefit from it.


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    Paper received 6th May 2017, accepted 26th June 2017 , published 1st

    متاح بتاريخ 19-3-2022م (السنبلة في القمح) https://e3arabi.com/?p=306877-