Digital Furniture and 3D & 4D Printing Technology



Lecturer, Department of Interior Design and Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University



The latest technology of 3D and 4D printing has brought about a revolutionary change in the manufacturing processes across various industries, and poses a significant challenge in reshaping the furniture industry and its design approaches. The research problem lies in determining the extent of success of the advanced manufacturing technologies, in addition to the challenges they face compared to the traditional manufacturing methods. The research assumes that increasing awareness among the professionals such as designers and manufacturers about the capabilities of digital printing will contribute to mastering complex processes that cannot be achieved through traditional manufacturing methods. The research aims to shed the light on a new path in furniture manufacturing techniques to eliminate the traditional multi-step methods and open up new horizons for exploration and innovation. The research importance lies in the need to keep up with the advancements in the field of smart furniture manufacturing and studying the interaction between its technological processes and contemporary market requirements. The research results are as follows: the transition of digital furniture production, using 3D and 4D printing technologies, from the stage of experimental prototypes to the actual quantitative production has a profound impact on the field of future furniture manufacturing and design. The research also recommends the necessity of increasing awareness about the new industrial processes that avoid the drawbacks of traditional manufacturing. This requires the development of knowledge about modern technologies and their availability in the local market as a way to overcome the limitations of the traditional manufacturing.


  1. المراجع العربية :

    1. فريدة عبدالرحيم ،عمر غنيم ، دور التصميم الداخلي المطبوع بأستخدام تكنولوجيا الطباعة الثلاثية الأعاد في الحفاظ علي البيئة ، مجلة العلوم والفنون التطبيقية ، جامعة دمياط ، المجلد العاشر ،العدد الثامن ، يوليو 2023 .
    2. عفت ضيف،ياسر معبد ، الأثاث الحيوي وعصر الصناعة الجديد ، مجلة العلوم والفنون التطبيقية ،جامعة دمياط ، المجلد الثامن ،العدد اثاني ،ابريل 2021 .



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