Applying the Digital Technology to Create Designs of Durable Goods Transportation Advertisements from Egyptian Heritage


Assistant Professor at the Department of Advertising - Faculty of Applied Arts - University of 6 October


The heritage of any nation is a symbol of its identity and humanity, and the strengthening and revitalization of its economy, as it works to increase social cohesion among its members, and therefore it must be preserved and work to revive it, and the Egyptian heritage has a rich variety of vocabulary of rudimentary and raw materials, including, for example (bulb lamp, jazz lamp, grain grinder, the municipal oven that ignites with wood, the telephone, and others), so these goods are not empty of an old house, Each commodity has a specific form and function at the time, and with the passage of time and the succession of times and eras; With the technological development, durable goods were invented, which are characterized by the beauty of their body and multiple functions that fit the modern era; It came from them (LED lamps, lampshades, electromagnetic ovens, stoves, refrigerators, mobiles etc.), and through the original Egyptian proverb (Who lets his history, be lost now), we tend to create advertising designs for the means of transporting durable goods that link old goods with what has become of modern goods, and that Through digital two and three dimensions graphic applications, and then these advertisements will be implemented through the technology of printing on vinyl material, which is characterized by acceptance of inkjet on it, strong adhesion on smooth surfaces such as glass, metal, wood and plastic, and its high resistance to various environmental factors such as wind, dust, sun, cold, rain and friction factors.


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المراجع الأجنبية

  • Dena Wilson, Peter Lourekas (Learn Adobe Illustrator CC for graphic design and illustration) Peachpit press, United states of America, Published: 2016, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-439778-8
  • Zhou Daifang (Research on Circular Promotions of Graphic Advertising Design and Computer) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, ICCEIA-VR 2021, 1961 (2021) 012014 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1961/1/012014

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